Wednesday, July 27, 2011


I can't remember when I saw this video
maybe about years
there is a girl hold a card stand in the middle of downtown
the words on the card is "Free Hug"
some people walk through and just smile about that
someone even ask" on the bed?"( ̄▽ ̄"')

Do you believe the power of hug?
If I tell you, everyone has a story in deepest of their heart,
and the story is killing you, you will
if you don't have the story, I envy you..=)

what we care the most in our life?
money? ambition? dream?

whatever it is
sometimes we will tired
sometimes we feel sad just need a hug

when you reading this, I don't know who you are
but I can give you a hug for free\(^_^)/

Monday, July 25, 2011

Blogger = 部落格

People create a blog with various reason
Sometimes I think blog is the best place to tell who you are
I create a blog with various reason too
one main reason is be a thanksgiver
it is kinda hard, but I will try anyway=)
about me? give me a breathe, I don't even know myself well~X-)
this is my first post,Cheers~\( ̄︶ ̄)/